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expand your boundaries

outline, research, develop, inquire, act.




measure totality. organize data. manage risks. adapt based on wants and needs. cut THE LEAST QUALITY WHEN cutting THE MOST COST.  ACHIEVE your goals!

I am offering to fulfill almost any of your firm's JOINT legal, marketing, and/or management needs.  I can do various forms of casework, including help you better understand any law firm's duties to you as your "translator" or many legal questions as an advisor (hopefully before you have signed any agreement).  Making the big things in life we take for granted possible takes great creativity.


I can help your business with not only its fluffy, expensive consulting needs, but possibly even with the support services necessary to execute the plan on the ground.  Furthermore, I offer free consultations longer in duration than any potential competitor so we can get to work!  Please visit other pages on this site a little for more background information.


Areas of law I am most familiar with are contracts, unusual claims such as forfeitures, administrative law, comparative constitutional law such as "separation of powers," and process claims like appeals and certain defenses in general.  I can show anyone how sick and unlawful itself the legal industry is, quickly, by talking about the legality principle with a lawyer in front of them, almost certainly more so than ever before. 

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