What is gravity? What is a theory? How were we created? How has astronomy evolved since the 20th century?
Astronomers limited by the unmeasured “constants” say that the universe expands forever. The universe could expand forever if there is no resistance in space. The lack of resistance in space has been defined as a “vacuum:” a place with no matter. However, there is in fact matter in this vacuum we call space that creates resistance, including celestial bodies, sizeable objects, photons, and microparticulates. Furthermore, space contains a great deal of gravity and a variety of other incredible forces. Even time is not a subjective creation notwithstanding language, it is a physical space! As time moves forward, the Earth rotates around the sun, the sun slowly accretes into the milky way, and the milky way accretes into the central accretionaty mass and even smaller bodies. We are not in the same space as we were in last year at this time. The questions of the independence and codependence between all this “space, “time,” and “universe” needs to be examined more closely.
A close analysis of three major theories reveals these conflicts between the notions that arise from whether there is resistance in space. Solar accretion theory establishes gravity. Big bang theory establishes our current creation myth. Black hole theory establishes a significant intersection between the two. First, it is important to remember the difference between a theory, hypothesis, and opinion. We must remember that gravity is in fact a “theory,” showing how mathematics is one of our only universal truths. The complexities of postmodern interpretivism are a separate topic than whether science can prove such inconclusivities that religions have always fought wars over.
Basically, if all matter came from a so-called “god particle,” how could such a celestial body be found to have the most significant gravitational pull of them all? By simply adding elementary geometry to the equation, the answer to the scientific existence and location of this “god” is rather incontrovertible. In that case, how can we conclude that the outward force of the big bang can combat even the weakest “holy” gravitational pull after so much time of slowing down, stopping, and reversing so that tiny dust like us will only ever witness “constant outward expansion?” How can we conclude whether the outward expansion will appear like a constant forever, that there is in fact any outward expansion at all, or even that the big bang is our creation story? We can in fact conclude that we are in fact here witnessing an amazingly replicable reality that is universal notwithstanding variables like colorblindness. However, we cannot quite conclude things such as afterlife, absoluteness, and all of the other inconclusivities used so divisively unless the scientific method can replicate cause for probable answers. We cannot quite conclude what is in, around, and apart from the Higgs-Boson.
Our creation myth is far more amazing than pointing at the middle of a graph of the universe to prove that god exists and saying case closed. When one observes all of the ancient pantheons, they not only find an unworldly law of connection, they will see that all give life to collections of the same FORCES we measure today using the scientific method. If the universe expands forever, another one follows it. If gravity and other forceful resistances slowly kick in, all the matter slowly or rapidly contracts inward, and another set follows it. The argument over the Big Bounce and the “Big Freeze” contain interesting implications of photonic sciences as well as the cycles of anthropology, biology, and everything else. In 1991, professional astronomers first began awaking to the unreliability of mathematical constants, like that determining infinite universal expansion. The argument began to take real shape in 2013-2014, right as I discovered the same rudiments of this more spiritual outlook of “dimensional physics” in astronomy 101. We must remember how our total timespan in the observation of overall events almost certainly applies. We must remember the parallels and perpendiculars!
Imagine witnessing the many astonishing phenomenon of gravity, electromagnetism, matter, and the medium all time is within but without the knowledge of those advanced terms we all have today. Any of our many "gods" always fall within these greater forces. Anthropological "magic" in the ancient world is not even close to what the mainstream developed world understands it to be. Understanding the evolution of a spiritual ideal into religion when social control is the objective and love is not is more clear to an average person than ever before. Ancient and modern houses of worship are often so fundamentally opposed to their own narratives because the social control of christianity, for example, is specifically engineered by paradox.
More and more people everywhere are becoming aware of the realistically captivating "oneness" contained in any of nature's many timely cycles.
Groupthink is not the goal of understanding the nonanimate, real-world forces of everyday life.
-*MEDIUM of Time (space)
*-All of Time (symbiosis/“oneness”)
*-Central Accretionary Mass
*-Manifest Events
-Other Celestial Objects
-Dreams & Aconsciousness
-Consciousness & Human Senses
-Reality-Based Myth/Culture
-Positive/Negative Worldview
-Synthetic Objects
-Remaining Categorized Nature.